Ocean and Mountain View
Real Estate on the Jaco Coast
Su Conexión Real Estate de Costa Rica al Sur de Florida

Mr Costa Rica- DV
"Living the Adventure"- the Ultimate Anti-Aging Treatment
From Florida to the Adventure Lifestyle in Costa Rica
Real Estate and Adventure have been my passion for decades. I have been an investor and Real Estate Broker/Agent for 25 years in the state of Florida and now I am a Certified Real Estate agent in Costa Rica.
The journey started in suburban Wisconsin and "The Farm" in Waukesha. The first major Adventure was moving to Florida and living in different cities ​across the state. I followed my technical career and invested in Real Estate in a dozen locations across Florida. With a Bachelor of Science degree from University of Central Florida it was a natural step to apply my skills to the Return on Investment of Real Estate.
I successfully profited on every investment and always remember- ‘more money has been made investing in property that any other investment, since the beginning of time’!
In Costa Rica the motto is "Pura Vida"- Pure Life, where people are so much happier with "so much less".
I discovered Costa Rica on vacation in 1992. After 30+ trips to CR, I decided to leave the land of overindulgence and political gridlock. It was time to write a "new book". Moving to Costa Rica in 2020 has proven to be the ultimate adventure. Costa Rica is NOT for everyone, and this small, beautiful country will never become another Florida. It is one of the ultimate eco-friendly countries in the World and the biggest industry is eco-friendly tourism.
There is no nuclear power, no nuclear waste, no hurricanes, no tornados, no snow, no cold fronts, no mass shootings and a low stress environment that leads to a longer life span than in the United States!
​The biggest thing I learned from this adventure was that the "reward" from the pursuit of the U.S. dollar was trivial when compared to the amazing satisfaction I felt from learning Spanish and communicating with the wonderful people in Central America.
LIVE THE ADVENTURE and escape the stress of the rat race.
I truly believe the Adventure Lifestyle IS the ultimate anti-aging treatment! Test the waters and take a mini-vacation by joining me on my personal adventures on YouTube! Click the icon at the bottom.
Have Camera, Will Travel!

Take the first step to Live the Adventure by clicking here!